Computer Requirements
Desktop or laptop PC
Office Medic Software is the program used for desktop and laptop computers. Hardware requirements for the Office Medic:
Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista.
Office Medic minimum requirements equal to operating system minimum requirements Type II PC Card slot or any USB port.
Pocket Medic Software is the program used for Handheld PCs also known as Windows CE devices. Hardware requirements for Pocket Medic: Handheld PC: Operating System: Windows CE 2.0 or higher. RAM: 8MB. Processors: StrongArm, SH3, SH4 or MIPS. Type II PC Card slot or USB.
Office Medic IDMS for Integrated Data Mangement System uses Microsoft SQL Server Database for Windows 2000 and above.
Pocket Medic Software is the program used for Handheld PCs also known as Windows CE devices. Hardware requirements for Pocket Medic: Handheld PC: Operating System: Windows CE 2.0 or higher. RAM: 8MB. Processors: StrongArm, SH3, SH4 or MIPS. Type II PC Card slot or USB.
Office Medic IDMS for Integrated Data Mangement System uses Microsoft SQL Server Database for Windows 2000 and above.