AT-102 Stress Testing
An economical, full-featured stress package. Built around the AT-102 interpretive EKG machine with keyboard and LCD display. Includes 12 lead resting EKG. Stress software built-in; access standard protocols or define a new protocol. Interface port for external laser or inkjet printer standard (printer not included.) LCD Display Screen built into EKG machine (4.75 x 3.5 inches.) Displayed on LCD: - 3 leads can be selected via direct keys - Heart rate - ST slope and amplitude of a lead - Stage, time and current load Includes Trackmaster TM-425 professional treadmill with all necessary interface cords. Includes interpretive EKG with stress, patient cabling, Stress Cart, all manuals. 3 year stress system factory warranty, 13 months on treadmill. Item# 9.070000CE Regular Price:$13,995.00 Sale Price:$11,750.00 |
Same as the AT-102 Stress Package above, but with full Spirometry option added to the EKG machine. Spirometry offers simple, safe disposable mouthpieces, memory for 40 tests, all inspiratory and expiratory tests. Pre and post medication tests, selectable predicted value tables and real-time curves and measurement information on the large screen. Includes interpretive AT-102 EKG machine with PFT option and sensor, all cables and accessories, stress cart, treadmill and manuals. Extra shipping will apply depending on your location. Item# 9.070000CES Regular Price:$15,995.00 Sale Price:$13,275.00 |

This Schiller stress system is built around the AT-102 interpretive EKG machine. This economical solution includes EKG with stress capability and protocols, cart and treadmill. Upgradeable to PFT. Can also be used as a Resting EKG.
Schiller rep will set up your system.
Schiller rep will set up your system.